
UGA sets pecan field day in southeast Georgia

  • August 21, 2014

From Georgia Faces

EVENT DATE: Aug. 27, 2014 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

The Southeast Georgia Pecan Field Day has been set for Aug. 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Parker Brothers Farm in Baxley. Sponsored by University of Georgia Extension, the field day is planned specifically for the growing number of pecan growers in the southeastern region of Georgia. Mike Adams, president of the American Pecan Board, will speak about the importance of marketing Georgia’s pecan crop. More than 33,000 acres of Georgia’s total pecan acreage is located in east Georgia. According to the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, Georgia pecans have a $249 million farm gate value and the state is the country’s leader in pecan production for the past 17 years. Georgia Extension specialists and researchers from the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will provide their insight on pecans.

The agenda includes updates from UGA pecan specialist Lenny Wells, UGA plant pathologist Tim Brenneman, UGA entomologist Jim Dutcher and Appling County Extension agent Shane Curry. “We planned this field day because growers in this area need local pecan trainings and field days that aren't four hours away to educate them with up-to-date information,” said Curry, who organizes the event. Last year, 220 growers from 18 counties attended the field day. K&L BBQ of Baxley will sponsor lunch and equipment demonstrations will be held afterward in the orchard. Parker Brothers Farm is located at 334 Veal Camp Rd. in Baxley, just five miles northeast off of Ten Mile Rd. Call the Appling County Extension office at (912) 367-8130 to register by Aug. 25. The field day is free, but a headcount is needed for lunch planning.